Campaign Goals and Timeline
Growing stronger

Since our founding in 1950, Greenhill has pursued excellence in every area of school life. Our students strive for success in academics, athletics, and the arts, while preparing for vibrant futures.
Our teachers and coaches inspire young people to lead authentic, purposeful lives, and our families and friends support them throughout their educational journey. We are immensely proud of Greenhill’s legacy—and as we look to the future, inspired by the ambitions of our founders, we ask for your help.
The Growing Stronger Together campaign is your invitation to invest in innovation and excellence at Greenhill. We have outgrown our current facilities, and are planning for significant expansion, with new facilities that will give our students space to fully develop their talents and interests.
Now is the time to invest in designers and problem solvers—innovators and creators who will thrive in a rapidly changing world—and student athletes who give their all for their school. Now is the time to inspire our community so the next generation of Greenhill students will have a place to learn, grow, practice, and play.
At pivotal moments in Greenhill’s history, our community has come together to support our future. This is one of those moments.
Campaign Background
The Growing Stronger Together Campaign flowed out of the Growing Stronger Together Strategic Plan. The strategic plan was the result of focused efforts by the Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Trustees and included input from members of the entire community. The plan launched in February 2021, the Campaign Steering Committee was formed soon thereafter to lead the School through the campaign. We are grateful for the ongoing commitment of the Board, the Campaign Steering Committee, and the entire Greenhill Community as we set our sights on the future.
Giving together for Greenhill’s future
Campaign Financial Goals
Capital Projects $75MM
Greenhill Fund (5 Years, 2020-2025) $10MM
Total Campaign Goal $85MM
Timeline Goals
Campaign Kickoff & Groundbreaking Spring 2022
Grand Opening STEM + Innovation Center Spring 2024
Athletic Enhancement Construction Begins Spring 2025
Athletic Enhancement Anticipated Opening Summer 2026
Campaign Steering Committee
Michelle Frymire, Campaign Chair
Roy Kim ’88, Board Chair 2023-2025
Augusto Sasso, Board Chair 2021-2023
Lee J. Hark, Head of School
Kendra Grace, Associate Head of School, CFO/COO
Aaron White, Chief Development Officer
Leslie Benners
Ralph de la Torre
Tom Fenton
Kasey Lemkin
E. Pierce Marshall, Jr. ’86
Nworen Moeenuddin
Laura Staub ’01
Rajesh Swaminathan
Jay Watt